Emotional Well-Being and life coaching BLOG

You are your biggest asset

I have to literally remind myself everyday that no matter what I am doing, I have to be whole in order to contribute in meaningful ways to other people. I trained myself to believe that self-preservation isn’t selfish!! You are not obligated to set yourself on fire to keep everyone else warm, there is other kindling!!!

If you need a reminder, you are the prize!!!! None of this gets done without you and you have to be the one to have your back even if no one else does. Think about it, if your aren’t refilling your balloon, how long do you expect to float?? This is your official permission to be a little selfish, preserve your feelings, and guard your energy like your life depends on it!!!

“The swiftest way to triple your success is to double your investment in personal development.” – Robin Sharma

Nicole Burnette


 Photo by Anubhav Rana on Unsplash

“We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.” – Henry Ward Beecher



 I am a work in progress. I began my career as a teacher early in life and quickly realized that my main goal was producing life-long learners. I wanted to show them how to control their own narratives as well as exploring the world and to make every moment a learning experience. 


That journey lead me to seek more information about the process of change and all the pitfalls along the way. I began with my M.A. in Social Sciences which later led to a M.S. in Counseling Psychology. Attempting to get certification as a counselor, I was about 4 years into that path being literally compelled by a desire to change the entire world even if it killed me, and it almost did. Health issues and subsequent surgeries forced me to reconsider my priorities.

While I still wanted to inspire life-long learners who explored the world around them, I realized I hadn’t fully done this for myself. While saving the world sounds great, what difference does it make to make the world a better place for others if it is a thing you never actually get to experience yourself? I pledged to dig deep and put in the inner work to reach my own level of self-actualization. I also decided to take the time and create a road map to help others do the same.

 I am in year 3 of this very intentional quest to be the best possible version of myself. I have considered every facet of my creativity and found so much joy in just learning more about me. My main goal in sharing the process is to hopefully inspire others unlock their potential without having to take nearly as long as I did. I attained certification as a life coach to solidify my skill set and reach out to impact as many as I can.

Life is truly a gift, and I have been blessed in more ways than I can count. If I can be a guiding light to anyone, it would be a small token of eternal gratitude for all that I have been given so far. Please contact me for more info on emotional well-being and life coaching. 

Contact me

What is self-care to you?

What recharges your battery? How often do you need a refill? These are gifts of mindfulness and intentionality; being great rarely happens by accident and happiness is a constant choice,

Start each day with an intention, set up small wins throughout the day, and celebrate each step of your journey each night. My father drilled into my head that “tomorrow isn’t promised.”

How can you start being a better you? Contact me for info about emotional well-being and life coaching today!!

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experiences that reveals the human spirit.” – e.e. cummings

Make the time

Celebrate the little things!!!

Learn to let go!!!!!

This year, my biggest lesson is letting go. Letting go of fear, of obligation, of guilt, of all the things that drain me and make more space to embrace my truth. I am flawed, healing, upgrading, and expanding in my space; if that leaves little room for little else, it is of little consequence. I don’t want to dwell on that which I can’t change, I will focus my energy into making the adjustments I need to refill and refuel myself and be a priority to me! I encourage you to stop being so consumed by the things that suffocate you and just breathe!!! If you need help refocusing, contact me for info about emotional well-being and life coaching today!!

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius


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